Pharmaceutical News and Updates

Real World Data

By Simon Ruini Since 2007, all major stakeholders involved in the development, marketing, authorisation and use of pharmaceutical products have felt the need for a change of their interaction and approach to the current system in Europe and especially in the UK. Each of these stakeholders have different priorities and…

From PSUR to PBRER, more focus on Benefit/Risk

The EMA has invited comments on the new ICH-E2C guideline on periodic safety reporting.  The periodic safety report on marketed medicinal products maintains the old reporting timeframe, with the IBD (international Birth Date) to be taken as a starting point. The main difference probably lies in the growing demand for Companies to evaluate…

Simplified filing and review of studies in Austria

By Simon Ruini, London The Ethics Committee of the Medical University of Vienna has approved a new submission method of clinical research projects and also their assessment is now available online. Unlike in the past, the submission and evaluation of clinical research projects and studies is now possible entirely without…